
Arms 2D Gloves

Arms 2D Gloves
Arms 2D Gloves

Arms 2D Gloves is an innovative indie game that combines fast-paced action. The game focuses on 2D combat, where players use a variety of moves and strategies to defeat their opponents. Players use a combination of directional inputs and attack buttons to perform different actions. To achieve absolute victory, players must win a certain number of rounds. There are tools for players to rely on to dodge their opponents' attacks. Platforms and clouds in the sky serve as examples. To improve your attack and dodge skills, try mastering the character controls.

The design of Arms 2D Gloves aims to deliver a demanding and diverse gameplay experience. They adapt to the player's strategies and offer different difficulty levels, making the game fun for both casual players and those who want a more competitive experience. The game has a unique 2D art style, featuring vivid and detailed character designs. Arms 2D Gloves includes a catchy soundtrack and sound effects that complement the game's fast-paced gameplay.

How to play

You use the A, S, D, and W keys to move. Use the left and right mouse buttons to initiate punches. To defeat your opponent, combine those two skillfully.

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